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Vol.17,Issue 5,September 2021


Open Access Special Issue

Acquired brain injuries: neurophysiology in early prognosis and rehabilitation pathway

Maenia Scarpino,Giovanni Lanzo,Bahia Hakiki,Raisa Sterpu,Antonio Maiorelli,Francesca Cecchi,Francesco Lolli,Antonello Grippo

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2021.132

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Managing Coma in Critically Ill Patients: Clinical Neurophysiology)

Abstract ( 3571 ) PDF (1.68 MB) ( 280 ) Full Text

Open Access Special Issue

Fasting in pediatric anesthesia: the art of making simple things complex

Nadia Veigaard,Nicole Brahe,Tom G. Hansen,Nicola G. Clausen

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2021.139

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Anaesthesia in Paediatrics: Take Good Care of the Children)

Abstract ( 4278 ) PDF (458.34 kB) ( 431 ) Full Text

Original Research

Open Access

Estimating SARS-CoV-2 infection fatality rate using data from one of the most affected areas worldwide

Giovanni Landoni,Carolina Faustini,Marilena Marmiere,Carolina Soledad Romero Garcìa,Annalisa Ruggeri,Alberto Zangrillo

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2021.149

Abstract ( 3346 ) PDF (171.64 kB) ( 206 ) Full Text

Open Access

Effect of age on the interaction between heart rate and mortality in prehospital trauma care

Ki Hong Kim,Kyoung Jun Song,Sang Do Shin,Young Sun Ro,Ki Jeong Hong,Joo Jeong,Jeong Ho Park

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2021.126

Abstract ( 2985 ) PDF (362.73 kB) ( 222 ) Full Text

Open Access

Sedation and analgesia in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a cohort retrospective study

Caterina Aurilio,Antonio Corcione,Fiorentino Fraganza,Pasquale Sansone,Antonella Paladini,Maria Beatrice Passavanti,Vincenzo Pota,Francesco Coppolino,Francesca Molino,Maria Caterina Pace

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2021.129

Abstract ( 3725 ) PDF (221.07 kB) ( 261 ) Full Text

Open Access Special Issue

Survival analysis in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients with shockable rhythm directly transport to Heart Centers

Chung-Cheng Yeh,Chia-Hau Chang,Chen-June Seak,Chen-Bin Chen,Yi-Ming Weng,Chi-Chun Lin,Chien-Hsiung Huang,Hsiao-Jung Tseng,Chip-Jin Ng,Li-Heng Tsai

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2021.084

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA))

Abstract ( 4003 ) PDF (723.86 kB) ( 226 ) Full Text

Open Access

Oral paracetamol versus zolmitriptan to treat acute migraine attack in the emergency department

Cuneyt Arikan,Atakan Yilmaz,Mert Ozen,Murat Seyit,Ibrahim Turkcuer,Ezgi Demirozogul

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2021.040

Abstract ( 3833 ) PDF (797.94 kB) ( 258 ) Full Text

Open Access

Non-thyroid disease syndrome: a strong prognostic predictor of death in patients with pneumonia

Ejder Saylav Bora,Adem Çakır,Serkan Hacar,Cüneyt Arıkan,Güner Yurtsever,Hüseyin Acar

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2021.069

Abstract ( 2629 ) PDF (182.89 kB) ( 197 ) Full Text

Case Reports

Open Access Special Issue

Particularities of clinical onset and favorable evolution towards functional neurorehabilitation in a very large post-acenocoumarol overdose hematoma (C7-T10) —a case report

Aura Spinu,Cristina Daia,Cristina Popescu,Ioana Andone,Theodora Ionescu,Ana Cristea,Mihai Baila,Costica Zamfir,Gelu Onose

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2021.112

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Spinal Cord Injury)

Abstract ( 3590 ) PDF (554.03 kB) ( 220 ) Full Text

Meeting Abstracts

Abstracted / indexed in

Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch) Created as SCI in 1964, Science Citation Index Expanded now indexes over 9,200 of the world’s most impactful journals across 178 scientific disciplines. More than 53 million records and 1.18 billion cited references date back from 1900 to present.

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Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index The CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Tool is an online resource that can quickly identify or confirm journal titles and abbreviations for publications indexed by CAS since 1907, including serial and non-serial scientific and technical publications.

Index Copernicus The Index Copernicus International (ICI) Journals database’s is an international indexation database of scientific journals. It covered international scientific journals which divided into general information, contents of individual issues, detailed bibliography (references) sections for every publication, as well as full texts of publications in the form of attached files (optional). For now, there are more than 58,000 scientific journals registered at ICI.

Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research The Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research (GFMER) is a non-profit organization established in 2002 and it works in close collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO). The overall objectives of the Foundation are to promote and develop health education and research programs.

Scopus: CiteScore 1.3 (2023) Scopus is Elsevier's abstract and citation database launched in 2004. Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles (22,794 active titles and 13,583 Inactive titles) from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer-reviewed journals in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences and health sciences.

Embase Embase (often styled EMBASE for Excerpta Medica dataBASE), produced by Elsevier, is a biomedical and pharmacological database of published literature designed to support information managers and pharmacovigilance in complying with the regulatory requirements of a licensed drug.

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