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Vol.21,Issue 1,January 2025


Open Access

Reevaluating the lower limit of renal autoregulation: does one size fit all?

Filippo D’Amico,Yuki Kotani,Matteo Borello,Matilda Colombo,Francesca Rumore,Francesco Papale,Rosario Losiggio,Giovanni Landoni

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2025.001

Abstract ( 1151 ) PDF (1.62 MB) ( 160 ) Full Text


Original Research

Open Access

Comparing foot and hand cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a non-inferiority, crossover, randomised controlled simulation study

Kui Ja Lee,Hee Eun Kim,Seung Min Park,You Hwan Jo,Hae Chul Yang,Yong Won Kim,Dong Keon Lee,Dong-Hyun Jang

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2025.008

Abstract ( 850 ) PDF (1.46 MB) ( 163 ) Full Text

Open Access

Risk factors for early neurological deterioration in acute ischemic stroke: a case-control study

Junjie Lei,Xudong Liu,Keke Feng,Yiming Cai,Qian Fan,Chenhao Liu,Lei Zhang

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2025.009

Abstract ( 876 ) PDF (6.16 MB) ( 177 ) Full Text

Open Access

Using a mobile application to improve recording during cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a mixed-methods study

Ji Woong Kim,Taerim Kim,Boram Park,Seulji Ku,Dajeong You,Jong Eun Park,Gun Tak Lee,Tae Gun Shin,Sejin Heo,Hansol Chang,Hee Yoon,Won Chul Cha,Sung Yeon Hwang

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2025.010

Abstract ( 798 ) PDF (7.43 MB) ( 147 ) Full Text

Open Access

The effects of second-hand and third-hand smoke on postoperative emergence agitation in pediatric patients: prospective cohort study

Mehmet Sargin,Sinan Degirmencioglu,Seyma Akpinar,Elif S. Kahraman,Mehmet S. Uluer,Faruk Cicekci,İnci Kara,Jale B. Celik

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2025.011

Abstract ( 916 ) PDF (772.96 kB) ( 140 ) Full Text

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