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Type of injury and trauma severity in children involved in two-wheeler accidents: a retrospective study

  • Oya Güven1,*,
  • Taşkın Özdeş2
  • Merve Demireller1
  • Nefise Büşra Çelik3
  • Hakan Selçuk4
  • Sefa Özay Bakar5
  • Bener Şen6

1Department of Emergency Medicine, Kırklareli University Faculty of Medicine, 39000 Kırklareli, Turkey

2Department of Forensic Medicine, Kırklareli University Faculty of Medicine, 39000 Kırklareli, Turkey

3Department of Emergency Medicine, Kırklareli Training and Research Hospital, 39010 Kırklareli, Turkey

4Department of Emergency Medicine, Babaeski State Hospital, 39200 Kırklareli, Turkey

5Department of Emergency Medicine, Lüleburgaz State Hospital, 39750 Kırklareli, Turkey

6Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Kırklareli University Faculty of Medicine, 39000 Kırklareli, Turkey

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2025.042 Vol.21,Issue 3,March 2025 pp.99-106

Submitted: 21 September 2024 Accepted: 12 November 2024

Published: 08 March 2025

*Corresponding Author(s): Oya Güven E-mail:


Background: Trauma is a significant public health issue that affects individuals across all age groups. This study aimed to investigate the type and severity of injuries sustained by children involved in motorcycle and bicycle accidents. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted using data collected from 2019 to 2022 from three major hospitals in our province. The study included patients under 18 years of age and categorized the injured individuals as pedestrians, riders or passengers. The type of vehicle involved (e-bike, bicycle or motorcycle), the site of trauma, and the procedures performed in the emergency department were documented. Prognostic outcomes were analyzed to assess injury severity. Results: A total of 220 pediatric patient records were reviewed, among whom 179 (81.3%) were males. Most accidents occurred during the fall (35%) and summer (30.5%) seasons, with pedestrians being most frequently injured in motorcycle-related accidents, while cyclists were primarily injured as riders. Rider-related incidents accounted for most of the injuries (71.8%), with electric bicycles involved in 50% of these cases. Severe injuries were more common in e-bike accidents, and the lower extremities were the most frequently affected anatomical region (59.1%). Hospitalization was required for 11.4% of the cases, and 60% of the hospitalized patients underwent surgical intervention. Conclusions: Strategies to mitigate injuries in children using two-wheeled vehicles should prioritize the development of protective equipment, particularly for the lower extremities, and emphasize the importance of adequate supervision. The increasing use of electric bicycles highlights the need to address safety concerns associated with these vehicles.


Bicycle accident; E-bike accident; Motorcycle accident; Pediatrics; Emergency department; Trauma; Protective equipment

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Oya Güven,Taşkın Özdeş,Merve Demireller,Nefise Büşra Çelik,Hakan Selçuk,Sefa Özay Bakar,Bener Şen. Type of injury and trauma severity in children involved in two-wheeler accidents: a retrospective study. Signa Vitae. 2025. 21(3);99-106.


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